


Add this component under the home->layout level.

  • name: the component name
  • config
    • title: the view title
    • description : describe the main functions
    • list: support multiple views
      • layout: left/right, default is "right", the image display position
      • text_main: text main title
      • text_description: text content description
      • image_main: the access url for image view
export default defineAppConfig({    app: {        home: {            layout: [                {                    name: 'FastFeatureImage',                    config: {                        "title": "Gain more insight",                        "description": "Use fast2build dev frame, you can manage every aspect of your business in one secure platform.",                        "list": [                            {                                "layout": "left",                                "text_main": "Simple and fast",                                "text_description": "Simple configuration can be completed in 10 minutes",                                "image_main": "/image/sys/feature/block-1.gif"                            },                            {                                "layout": "right",                                "text_main": "Rich functional modules",                                "text_description": "Including website, account login, Magic link, Stripe payment, Mailchimp subscription, Supabase database, membership system, etc",                                "image_main": "/image/sys/feature/block-2.gif"                            }                        ]                    }                }            ]        }    }})
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